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From Wednesday, August 12 2015 -  8:00am
To Tuesday, August 18 2015 - 5:00pm
by LuHits : 3212
Dear JEM Family,

This year, our JEM Family Retreat is on August 13, 14, 15, & 16. Please refer to the attached beautiful brochure designed by Sister Yuni, for details. We are having Pastor Lu Lutra and Pastor Cynthia Lutra again this year. They have given us some serious meat to chew on last year and this year, we want to be even more aligned with the Lord. For the youths, we are inviting Slayder back (by popular demand from the youths). 

Our focus is to know and live out the destiny the Lord has ordained for each and everyone of us so we can actively "Walk and Work intimately with Heaven" ever more so in these days and age. You know, all Heavens are positioned and the heavenly hosts are all ready and excited for the 2nd Return of the Lord Jesus to earth in His most magnificent and most glorious state. This time He is not coming as a human baby in a manger but He will be coming in all His magnificence and glory, to rule and to reign with us here on Earth! The Millennial Kingdom, which we are to participate in and very much a part of, with the soon returning King of Kings and Lord of Lord is going to be so gloriously exciting. JEM Family, we are called to walk and to work with Heaven for such a time as this. We must make ourselves ready, we must prepare and we must get really excited. Although we still have our trials here at this time and the days, in the natural, will get even darker, but, in the spiritual, the endtime church is a a Victorious church which will dispel all darkness and will arise and shine with the glory of the Lord!

Recently the Lord reminded me that each day I wake up, it is one day closer to seeing Him face to face and it is also one day closer to being with Him for all eternity! If we live with an eternity perspective in mind, everyday is so much more exciting and today is always better than yesterday and tomorrow will be even better than today! That's because, every passing day means one day closer to seeing our Lord. Wow, this is exciting!

So, let's make it a priority to come to the Family Retreat. We must begin to walk out Heaven on Earth - eternity begins now, not later and we must live out our prayer of "let His Kingdom Come and His Will be done on Earth as it is is Heaven".  As the Bride, as the mature Sons of God, we must all make ourselves ready so we won't be ashamed when we see our Lord (our Beloved) in all His Magnificence and Glory. We want to be dressed in our fine linen of garment without wrinkle when we see Him. We want to be found worthy to rule and reign with our Lord as we are going to be with Him and with one another for all eternity - this is for sure! Therefore this is a serious reality, which needs serious preparation. 

See you all at the Summer Retreat! Sign up early (I hope to get all names by next week) - there is a sign up sheet  on the Church notice board. You can also email me directly to register.

Blessings and Shalom to all,

+  +
Location : Trinity Western University Vancouver, CA


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