God is calling us to a higher ground | Print |
Written by Ps Lu Luthra   
Sunday, 18 July 2010 10:53

God is calling us to a higher ground


I had a dream last week, that I was walking in a field with many people and I heard a voice speaking and turned around to see and it was the Lord , He was walking with a staff in His hand, and those walking around Him were getting closer to listen, He was saying My sheep hear My voice and follow Me, I am leading them to a higher ground, so stay close with Me” And He said and those that will not hear will be left like sheep for slaughter, and then He said I have prepared those who have waited on me and stayed close to go out and bring in the sheep and warn the sheep, He said I want to gather as many as I can and move them to a higher Ground.

I am writing this to wake those who are asleep, and have gone astray; I have noticed that these days when I am around people, that their discussion is centered on things about Jesus, and not Jesus Himself? The church today is busy with all kind of programs and events,  few are focused on End Time events, I hear about Revival, healing, soaking, spiritual warfare, and Christian music and different meetings as to who is coming to our church to speak. There are many emphasizes on particular things.

We are spending more time on ministries, then we are spending time with Him, the busyness of our doing has taken away from our being. We were created to being first (Like Him) before we can be doers. See there are many needs, but there is only one Lord Jesus. See when you are in a forest all you see are trees, the forest was for the trees, so is Christ for the church, many cannot see that.

When I am with people or leaders, they are trying to fulfill their calling, but the question I would like to ask you “Is Jesus enough”? Look at Mark 3:14:” And He ordained twelve. That they should be with Him and that He might send them forth to preach” You are called to be with Jesus that is your calling. Before He sent them out, He said be with Me. The call of the Lord is not more important than the Lord of the call. The work of the Lord must not replace the Lord of the work. No amount of ministry for the Lord will make up for a lack of ministering to the Lord. Many think knowing the word makes them know the God of the word.

Everyone wants to go and do something for God, but few want to stay and do “Nothing” for Him. Jesus asked peter “Am I enough for you? Do you love Me more than everything else? Do you love Me more than the things about Me? It says few weeks later, as John and peter stood in front of the religious rulers to explain the healing of a man who had never walked” they marveled, and they took Knowledge of them and said they have been with Jesus’(Acts 4:13)

If we will be with Jesus, then Jesus will be with us, the reason the New Testament church had power not because they spoke in tongues, or held meetings in their living rooms, the secret was they had been with Jesus. Today many Christians are more in love with ministers than they are in love with Jesus. Many today gather to discuss the latest prophetic word or the newest teaching, the newest book, but he forget the reason of gathering is to be with the one who we are doing it for.

In the days of Paul and his fellow workers they had many things to do, people to be won and disciple for the Lord, plant churches, visit places, many books to write, but they suspended all the activity, to minister to the Lord. The focus shifted from self to the Lord, They took their attention of their needs and put it on the Lord’s need. They were busy being with Jesus, being at His feet. To Listen, Many today are very busy, and not sitting at His feet to hear what He is saying to the end time church.

Let me ask you again “Is Jesus enough for you? Or do you have all the “trappings” of Christianity, all the bells and whistles, all the toys and trinkets?” Remember that there is no life in the things that are about Jesus, there is only in Jesus Himself. I have seen and talked to many that are dissatisfied and disappointed with their Christian walk, it is only because of one thing, Jesus is not enough for them, Somewhere along the way something became more important than Jesus. May be you became focused on things About Jesus that are Not Jesus.

Remember my Dream, Jesus wants to take you to a higher ground, and He is calling you to be filled with passion and love for Him, that you want nothing but to sit at His feet and hear His voice. Can you remember the times when you were so infatuated with Him, that you did not want to do anything but be with Him, so go back to the time when Jesus first called you to be with Him? Friends we are really almost living in the end times, let’s not miss what He is saying. Get the busyness out of your life and come sit at His feet.

Last Updated on Sunday, 18 July 2010 11:03