Knowing HIM | Print |
Written by Cynthia Luthra   
Thursday, 09 July 2009 21:55

Knowing HIM.

By Cynthia Luthra

Our Lives In God was meant to be more then just a life of service (to the church), although serving is a very important part of what our lives ought to be about. To often the body never experiences the most important part, (Knowing Him). They are never taught about relationship with Him only with one another.

Never knowing that we are all called to be The Bride, we are all called to intimacy, with God. To know Him should be our first Love not self satisfaction through works, feeling good about our achievements. The abiding love and trust one should have can only come from spending time with Him. Not working for Him, only then can the works have true value and sustainable influence through any season of life.

Rev 3; is clear when it talks about the Laodecian church who had lost its First Love of Christ. With (Works) we are taught to do works , and no intimacy. The more works we have the larger we grow, we are going no where valuable that will end to true life and love of God. How can we become Son's and Daughter's when we are so busy achieving our Goals and ignoring the most valuable part of Salvation. Him who died for us.

The indwelling ability Christ introducing us to His Father, the kingdom should be our main event in this Christian life. How will the majority church ever experience God if we continue to demand submission through service to man and not God, and not His Kingdom promises.

This is no more than Catholicism reincarnated, disguised as the truth, how can we glory in the power of the Cross without understanding the road of perfection, whose purpose is to conform us into His image. Luke says

Luke 24:51Their eyes were opened and they Knew Him.

We have restricted the Body (ourselves) by not allowing the body and ourselves to burn in their hearts the desire to know Him.

Last Updated on Saturday, 29 August 2009 23:07