The Golden Candlesticks | Print |
Written by Ps Lu Luthra   
Wednesday, 13 January 2010 16:25

                             The Golden Candlesticks


We see in Zechariah 4:2,3  we see that Zechariah was made to  see a vision o golden candle stick being fed with oil from two olive trees,”vs2 And said to me, what do you see? I said I see and behold, a lamp stand all of gold. With its bowl( for oil)on the top of it and its seven lamps on it, and (there are) seven pipes to each of the seven  lamps which are upon the top of it. Vs3 And there are two olive trees by it. One upon the right side of the bowl and the other upon the left side of it(feeding it continuously with oil) .

When Zechariah asked the angel what that meant, the angel of GOD SAID TO HIM. These seven branches of the candle tell of the power by which the Lord saved the world. His work cannot be done by human minds or human power, but only by His spirit.(vs6).

We must always remember that God’s work can only be done by His Spirit not ours, yet we still try to do His work with our strength, wealth, and intellect. Doing it this way causes a spiritual barrenness everywhere When we work in our strength our outward accomplishments are seen, by the big buildings we built, fancy clothes we wear, and build large ministries, but we are barren in our spiritual lives, why is that because we depend upon our own wisdom, not His. The Lord said “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit”.

See He has made us to be like the Candlestick of pure gold, that His light should shine upon all people that men may know His greatness and Glory. We have become educated, cultured and fashionable, but lost everything of the Spirit. I was once fellowshipping with a pastor of a large church who has 5 churches now, and he mentioned to me that he was ministering at a different church that evening, so before I left I asked him if I may pray for him and he said yes, after I had prayed for him, I was surprised he asked me a question, where did you learn to pray like this, I heard the Lord say to me, “ Son, he might have several churches, but he has forgotten to be with Me alone.

How many so-called Christian are falling into sin everyday with out victory over temptation and filled with lust, because they believe they can do God’s work with human wisdom. God would say to those” you are a Christian by name, but have no life” That is the message of the candlestick.

On either side of the candlestick Zechariah saw Olive tree, he asked the angel who these trees were “These are the two anointed one’s of God. Rev11: 4-11, we have a description of the last days an account of the last three and a half years of tribulation and there will be great sin everywhere and blindness. And God will raise up two witnesses, who will prophesy for 1260 days. These are the two olive trees, even two faithful witnesses of the Lord Jesus.

So the two olive trees speak of a faithful, loyal and true testimony, people don’t want the truth these days they want anything but the truth, and those who teach seek to change the Word of God into lies and falsehood, because people do not like the Truth, preachers today make false prophecies and give false messages, changing and twisting the Bible to suit their own needs.

This is the condition of the last day, they would rather hear stories to make them laugh, and they do not want the Bible. They can listen to the words of men; this is what the Bible prophesies, so if  we cannot be surprised when we see these things happening everywhere. But those who will not comprises will continue to shine like the Golden Candlestick, their light burning day and night and no power on earth can change their testimony.