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Gathering The Bride with Lu & Cynthia Luthra
Friday, January 16 2015, 6:30am
by LuHits : 1414

Friday January 16th,  2015  6:30pm  &
Saturday January 17th,  2015  2:00pm

Come and feel His love and His plans He has for you.

Start your 2015 by knowing Him better, in an open heavens
atmosphere for those who are hungering and thirsting for deep
places of God's presence, with a passion in their hearts to go
deeper in their relationship with The Lord!

Pastors Lu & Cynthia Luthra have been walking faithfully with
the Lord since they received Jesus into their lives in 1980.

Not long after their conversion they were called into the ministry.
The Lord gave them a vision to teach and preach the word, prepare
the Bride for her King, and fan the flames of revival. 

They have led home groups, participated in missions, pastored
churches—even established a Bible College—pouring their hearts
out in teaching, counseling, and equipping many for Kingdom work. 

Lu's gifting in the teaching and pastoral ministry is fueled by a hunger
to raise up an end-time army for the Lord. With a heart after GOD, Lu
is anointed with Apostolic authority through example he teaches how
to establish ones character in inner and outer Godly strength and purity
as well as utilizing divine wisdom and practical living. He uses his gift
to strengthen, edify and uplift others in their gifts, callings and destiny.
He carries a Father’s heart, to encourage others to be lifted up in their

Cynthia’s heart burns for the body of Christ to be brought into revival
and intimate relationship with the Lord, a passion sustained by a ministry
of prayer and intercession and the gift of prophecy. Cynthia is anointed
with an apostolic Prophetic call to teach and lead into prophetic passionate
love for Christ in her spontaneous worship, to raise up a new breed of
warriors for the kingdom.

Both Cynthia and Lu walk under the anointing to create open heavens
experiences, where believers are taken into a deep place of intimacy
with God. In that place, where the tangible and manifest atmosphere
of the glory of God has come down from heaven, some truly awesome
spiritual and mystical realities can be experienced..

"A Dwelling Place
Gateway to Heaven Ministry"
1734 Pepper stone Court
St Augustine.Fl 32092
web site:www.adwellingplace.org
E-Mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Friday January 16, 2015 at 6:30pm
Sat. January 17, 2015 at 2:00pm

*Guest parking only,  no parking on street*
*Note days attending, Fri.,Sat. or both*


 Love & Blessings!

Location : The Goularte's Home
Contact : 904-307-2079
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